Nancy Remain Strong and on Task

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy, the Worldwide Ministry Church of; supports your efforts in the U.S. Congress to move forward with a thorough investigation of the President’s actions, before seeking impeachment efforts. As a minister of the gospel of Christ, I would encourage you to reach out to the Evangelicals that voted for this president; and charge them that it is time they stand up for Christ; and for the down trodden people in America, and in custody on the U. S. boarders. Challenge them to speak out against the president’s hatred and prejudice; towards these men and women of color. It is high time that these “so call religious leaders” stand up for right; and for the gospel of Christ. I pray for your work, and that you remain strong and “on task!” I’m praying that God will bless you and your work in Congress. You can do: “All things through Christ which strengtheneth you,” Philippians 4:13.

In Christian Love,

Evangelist Ron Freeman,


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